Press Freedom

In the recent past, the issue of a lack of press freedom was considered to be a problem only within developing nations, which were often run by dictatorships, or unfair political systems, but nowadays press freedom is an issue for us all. The freedom of the internet has educated us to the fact that many […]

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  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

    Whilst FGM gets little coverage in western media, it is a huge deal in parts of Africa in particular. The total number of girls and women who have undergone the four types of FGM – differentiated by which parts of the vagina are cut or closed – has been estimated at anywhere between 100 and […]

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  • What is a Virus? – A Basic Description

    A virus is a microscopic organism that can ‘infect’ all types of lifeforms, including animals, plants and even fellow microorganisms, including bacteria. Found absolutely everywhere, viruses are believed to be the most abundant type of biological entity, outnumbering all others put together. Around 5,000 distinct species have already been identified properly, with 75,000 different virus […]

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